Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Managing People - An Art

The Art of Managing People

5 Jobs Underwater

5 Interesting Jobs You Can Do Underwater

Life should be fun and interesting, if you get up in the morning thinking 'I'm dreading work today' then maybe it's time to broaden your horizons and see what other opportunities are out there. Have you ever thought about working underwater? It's definitely not your normal 9-5 job but there are lots of people making a good living from working underwater, here are some ideas to inspire you.

Underwater Archaeologist
A wealth of human history lies submerged at the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans of the world. An underwater archaeologist spends all their time unearthing these lost treasures. You could be examining anything from shipwrecks to exploring lost, underwater cities. The work is scientific with equal amounts of time spent on dry land researching treasures and planning the next excavation. If you're fascinated by history and enjoy diving then a career as an underwater archaeologist could be ideal for you.

Underwater welding
This is a highly specialised niche in the construction industry but also one that is very well paid. In certain situations, such as on an oil rig, it is often not possible to bring items onto dry land to get them welded. In these cases, experienced welders who have trained to work underwater with specialist equipment are drafted in to provide the necessary support. The work can be very challenging and the good pay is in compensation for inherent risk that comes with the job.

Dive instructor
If you like teaching and enjoy diving then why not consider a job as a diving instructor. The work can be demanding as you have to strike a balance between being a good host and having fun while ensuring the safety of your group. The hours can be a little unsociable too as you will generally be busiest at weekends and during annual holidays. Having said that, you will also have a great amount of freedom with the job and becoming a diving instructor could well be the first step on a long road towards owning your own diving school.

Underwater Photographer
Taking photographs underwater requires a different set of skills and equipment to that of photographers on dry land. It is a specialist job but also one that is in constant demand from magazines and art galleries. You could be shooting anything from coral reef and sharks to underwater models from fashion houses. The work is varied and you may well be asked to travel to far flung destinations around the world in order to get your shot. As well as photographers, underwater videographers make a good living doing essentially the same thing but with video.

Underwater Tour Guide
If you enjoy diving and consider yourself a good host then maybe you should try being an underwater tour guide. You could be guiding anyone from groups of experienced divers looking for the best diving spots to perhaps leading a tour of visitors wanting to swim with sharks. It can be a scary job at times and you have to accept responsibility for the safety of your group. However it's also a fun and varied role that lets you meet people from all around the world whilst living in an exotic location.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Accumulation Of College Study Tips

An Accumulation Of College Study Tips

If you plan on going to college you'll soon realize that in order to survive you are going to have to learn study skills. I was talking with a community college student the other day and one of the things he told me his instructors were preaching to him was that contrary to popular belief, college isn't just a place to learn a pre defined set of skills like you would at a Trade School. What happens in college is that throughout your tour, different professors will present you with different challenges. By facing these challenges and pressing forward, you will be forced to learn to solve all kinds of different problems. When you get out in the working world, you will face these same kinds of issues.

One of the professors told my friend even if you don't remember any facts from the courses you take while you're in college, the ability to solve problems presented by the professors will stay with you, and when your boss presents you with research tasks and needs information you'll be able to get it for them. There are different ways to get this research knowledge that will ensure you pass your classes with good grades and which will also help you become an asset in the field you wish to enter. Go over these different ideas and use them as necessary to pass your college classes.

Mnemonics are learning devices that help jog your memory and help you learn specific things. They are essentially associations that help you learn and comprehend specific concepts. They can either be words or maybe short poems which are related back to the data that you need to remember. This principle is based on the fact that arbitrary sequences based around boring subjects can be difficult to remember and retain, and that our psyche works better with personal, funny and spatial concepts that intrigue us. 

It works more on the principal of using natural memory to retain boring concepts since natural memory is inherent within all of us. For example an acronym is a popular type of Mnemonic. To illustrate if you needed to remember the initials for my name Brian Keith, that name might not be easy to remember unless you stored it in long term memory. But if you could remember the popular shoe British Knights, you could refer and think of that to remember my first and middle name. Another example of a Mnemonic is an association phrase. When I'm developing nested HTML tags I always think of the Mnemonic phrase, "The first tag on is the last tag off". This has to do with which order the html tags go on a particular line of code. Hopefully this puts things in some perspective for you.

Gleam Cards can be great for putting ideas and concepts into your short term memory and studying for tests, mid terms and final exams. Gleam Cards are just ideas and concepts that might be presented on a test. You can use 3x5 or 5x7 cards for these. I perfer 3x5 cards but to each their own right? A popular way to structure these is to put the question on the front and the answer to that question on the rear of the card. What you want to do is flip through these cards and try to answer the question. When you get stuck just refer to the answer on the back of the card. At first you'll be looking for the answers a lot. But after a while you should be able to answer all the questions on the Gleam Cards on your own without looking for the answers on the back. You want to keep using these cards until you can instantly answer the question without referring to the back of the cards. 

Another test taking technique is simply rewriting your list of notes from class. When you rewrite your notes they will be neater and easier to read than what you wrote down in class. Then spend some time, maybe a couple hours and start fixating on these notes until all the material appears extremely familiar. This way when you see test questions that are similar to what you studied chances are you'll be able to pick the right answers through association. You can also transfer your notes in little chunks to Gleam Cards and use the same technique as I just mentioned above. 

Also if you have a dedicated and responsive professor ask them to view the notes you rewrote and ask them if you are missing anything major that may be on the test. Tell them you took a few hours rewriting these and if they could just spend 5 minutes viewing them and giving their input it would be highly appreciated. I always end up with the professor giving me a few things extra to include in my notes when I do this and get a few extra questions right on the test as a result. It's a great technique for squeezing a few extra points from your class.

Chances are if you are struggling with your class some of your fellow students are as well. Try to organize a group of fellow students to meet at one of your homes or a Starbucks to study together. Student support groups are helpful, if for no other reason than psychological. You are all there sharing your concerns and opinions about passing the class, and each of you will understand class concepts that the others don't. Sometimes a serious student brain storming session will help everyone involved get a higher grade and allow all of you to add concepts to your notes you might have missed out on initially. 

Sometimes being a student also means being a Private Detective. Bringing a tape recorder and recording all the class lectures isn't a bad idea. You can play the tape over and over when you get home and jot down ideas you might have missed during the original class lecture. This will give you the opportunity to compile a list of "killer" notes that could easily put you above the rest of the class. I come from a Human Resources background and one thing we are taught is potential is interesting but performance is everything. You may have that one classmate that seems naturally gifted and is 15% smarter than the rest of the class. But I guarantee if you focus and tape record the class sessions and study hard you can get as good of a grade as they do, then you can be the icon of the class.

Getting through college isn't as much about memorizing facts as it is using common sense, good study habits and being dedicated to studying while you are there. Even if you don't come from an academic background and lost out on some opportunities many gifted students got, you can still compete with them if you just focus. Our education system is supposed to offer the same opportunities to everyone regardless of how they were brought up as well as their financial status.

We all know it doesn't work out quite this way but you really can make it work out this way for yourself if you follow some of these proven principles. Society will be forced to recognize your talent if you just get out there and start using it! If you remain dedicated and focused in college great things will start happening for you sooner than you think. You'll even start viewing things from a much more positive perspective and all kinds of doors will start opening for you, and if you're not careful you might even forget where you came from because so much good fortune will start beating a path to your door.

First Day Back In School

First Day Back In School

This is my first day going back to school after an entire month off. I have 5 classes left before I graduate with my B.A. in Psychology. I’ll be going back to school full time until the end of February, then I’ll have just one class left after that. I get to take the month of March 2011 off since I’ve already taken CD 440 Drugs, Values and Society. Then in April 2011 you guessed it, my senior project. I’ve heard they’re going to make us write a 30 page research paper. We have to get our topic approved, so I’m going to try to get it done on Teenage Drug Addiction, since I’m very familiar with that topic, having met so many people over the years with drug problems. 

In case you weren’t aware there’s a very big problem with drug abuse in Southern California in general, but in Oceanside, CA. and all over San Diego, it’s about as bad as it gets. Fortunately I’m all about helping people and choose not to use any recreational drugs, but sadly too many people these days do. We have a serious drug problem here in California and our jails are so full of people getting busted just for smoking marijuana, I think it’s about time the government legalized and regulated it. This way they would make more money and our jails wouldn’t be quite as crowded as they are now, but I guess that’s a whole different topic.

So 5:30 PM today I’ll be back in the saddle at National University. Wish me luck. This blog will not be theme oriented. I use it just to take a break from many of the Internet Marketing tasks I do on the internet and will just be writing what I want on here. I work with a partner from Madison Heights, VA Jeff West and we’ve done lots of different Internet Marketing and Network Marketing stuff over the years, and have made quite a bit of money together doing it. In fact we’re just about at full-time income again which I’m pretty stoked about, and what’s even more amazing is that we did it all through SEO. 

But now we’re making the shift into Paid Marketing methods and will be giving them an honest shot over the next 3-6 months. The failure rate in general is pretty high in paid marketing. I think part of the reason is because people just don’t have enough seed capital to get started, but that’s a smaller reason than a lot of people thing. Most people who made it big in PPC and CPV started out almost completely broke, luckily we’re not quite in that category. But I think the biggest reason people take nosedives is just because they don’t test enough or stick in the game long enough for it to pay them.

Lets hope PPC and CPV leads to the higher road of financial freedom over the next year or two for Jeff and I. I have plans to become a Mental Health Worker or to do some other similar job when I graduate from college, like being a Staff Member at a rehab facility, those are my backup plans. But my heart really is in this making money from home stuff, as I’ve had great success with it over the years and am moderately successful with it right now. 

I guess you can say I’m putting up this blog in an attempt to be completely transparent regarding how it’s going for us, and if we’re doing something that peaks your interest, you can just contact me and I’ll be happy to point you in the right direction. When I was younger I always had fantasies about making billions of dollars and taking over the world, but these days I’d be stoked just to know I bring in enough net income to get all my bills paid and to be able to save some money each month after this and only working a few hours per week to do this.

Back in 1991 I was in an elite Marine Corps Paratrooper unit called 1st Anglico and did my entire 4 year tour there (I’m 41 now). I hurt my back pretty bad on a parachute jump, so I get a small pension, but not nearly enough to retire on. So my goal is to keep learning more about how free and paid traffic works until I can walk away with a net profit each month of more than I would make if I did 20 years of honorable military service. 

In fact this is where my heart and mind are set and you can say I feel I’m entitled to at least that much. One of the things I’ve learned over the last year is it’s more about working smarter than harder. Some things take forever if you try to do them all yourself. I’ve learned to outsource almost all of my SEO tasks, and it’s freed up more of my time. Jeff and I are on the verge of going full-time now, as we’re almost at $100 per day, and this income is pretty darn stable.

If you wanna get to know me, just keep reading my blog. I put this up so people like you trying to get ahead in life like myself, will have someone to relate to. I don’t believe in secrets because there are trillions of dollars out there to be made by marketers like us, and like I said before I’d be very happy with a high 5 figure income, and I know many people reading this blog feel the exact same way. I have a ton of experience in marketing and it’s all starting to come together now. It really does take time to learn all the ropes, but it’s definitely possible. Jeff and I even have a retail site called Poker Stars Direct that’s doing about 20k yearly, but it needs a major content overhaul. Once we get unique content on each page, which will cost about $8,000, the site should be doing about $100,000 per year in gross sales.

So that’s about all for starters, obviously I have a lot more to share with you than this, but we gotta start somewhere right? Overall the courses we’ve bought on the internet to teach us this stuff do teach a lot, but for some reason everything we’ve purchased so far only teaches pieces of the puzzle and don’t provide us with the full picture. Certain references are outdated, or don’t even work, and some of the real juicy stuff steps are left out so we need to figure it out on our own or just give up on it. I don’t mean give up on Internet Marketing as a whole, I just meant one specific type of task.

All I can tell you is if you keep reading this blog and learning about my life is that I’ll be completely transparent with you. The reason is that I have nothing to lose at this point and am bound determined to make a full-time income on the internet the right way, by providing value to the marketplace without hurting anyone in the process. Hopefully I didn’t leave anything else out. I have to start getting ready for school in the next few hours, but I’ll keep you updated

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Online Degree

Success Is What I Need - Should I Get An Online Degree?

By : Judy Wellsworth    

If you have been looking for the right steps to succeed then it may be in your best interest to look into an online degree. Statistically speaking online degrees are pursued by mostly females between the age of 18 and 35 who have kids. It is this exact stat that makes it extremely important for not only that category but the ones who fall out of it to see the opportunities that are presented to them if they where to obtain an online degree. 

Almost everyone knows that getting an online Master’s degree is so popular because of its convenience. In a lot of cases you can get a degree from a fully accredited online school in your spare time in roughly under 2 years. Some schools even offer degree programs that offer you the opportunity to get a degree in as little as 9 months. This is all possible because of the fact that most and sometimes all of the coursework is completed in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to worry about on-campus parking, gas costs, child care, and even money to eat out for lunch. 

Another great plus about online colleges is that you don’t need to live near a top accredited college to get a degree. This is great for people living in remote regions of the country, people with full time jobs, at home moms, or even the handicapped. A traditional education is not the only route to take when pursuing higher education. There are several fully accredited online schools that will offer you’re the degree you need. 

Now there are several different ways online courses are taught. It’s easy to get this information before you start your degree program. This is necessary because knowing the specifics about how a school teaches its courses is the second step after narrowing down a list of potential schools. 

In a lot of cases test and course work are completed at your convenience, and a lot of the time there is no time limit on particular course work. The rest of the course material is usually taught through some kind of live online media. By live online media I mean, using live online audio chats, chat rooms, instant messaging, and by the use of webcams. Usually the only materials a student needs to purchase besides their coursework is a headset with a microphone and a web cam. Most schools also offer recorded records of online sessions. 

These online classrooms are extremely effective when it comes to interactive learning, and it's all done from the comfort of your own home. The only down fall to them is that you need to fit your schedule around them. This is why it's so important to find out exactly how much scheduled time versus “at your convenience time” there is on a particular degree program. 

Getting an online degree is easy if you pick the school that fits you best. Make sure you get information on any financial aid or government grant opportunities available before you finalize what school you want. The only thing left to do is to make sure that the school is accredited with the local governing agency. 

Major Universities in India

Major Universities in India

There are various categories of universities like deemed universities, private universities, state government universities, open universities, national institutes and agricultural universities that provide the mentioned requirements for the students. The major requirement of the top universities in India is to give a prestigious image so that the country can feel proud about it.

The responsibility of these top universities of India is to make the students professional and skilled so that they can work well for the economy of India. The growing demand of the corporate sector of the country and the crucial growth in the manpower of the country is fulfilled by the higher education that is offered by the Top Universities of the country.

There are various universities that are present in the various cities and the towns of the country. The well known and popular top universities in India offer courses in various levels like undergrad, postgrad, diploma, certificate and some of the colleges also offer doctorate degrees in some programs. The students can pursue a subject according to their choice like science, commerce, humanities, medical, law, archeology, computer science, engineering, environmental science, library science, physical education, dance, management, music and other subjects. There is an ample scope in the research studies of the top universities of India.

There are plenty of job opportunities that are provided to the students of these universities. Placement assistance is also given to the students to select the career according to their own choice. The students who are studying far away can also opt for distance learning conducted by the university in order to get the degree.

Here are the names of some top universities in India:

Indian Institute of India, Bombay.
Indian Institute of India, Delhi.
Indian Institute of India, Kanpur.
Indian Institute of India, Madras.
Indian Institute of India, Kharagpur.
Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Anna University, Chennai.
University of Mumbai.
Delhi University.
Bangalore University.

Ladies, Is Your Voice an Asset or a Liability for Your Career?


Nancy Daniels

In Shakespeare\'s King Lear, Lear is carrying the dead Cordelia and says, 'her voice was ever soft, gentle and low, an excellent thing in woman.' Those words epitomized the image of how a woman handled herself in society and is in direct contrast to the loud, outspoken and sharp-tongued Kate, from his earlier play, The 

Taming of the Shrew.
Lear was correct when he used the words gentle and low in describing an attractive female voice. Instead of the word gentle, however, I would use the word warm. Diane Sawyer\'s voice is the epitome of warmth. It is like a blanket around your shoulders. Low, on the other hand, deals with the pitch of the voice which refers to the highness or lowness of sound. (Volume is the loudness or softness of sound.)
In today\'s business world where women equal men in numbers in the workforce, having a soft voice is definitely not an asset; however, it does not mean that you should be loud, shrill or whiny. A female (or male) voice that is high-pitched and strident is not pleasant to your listeners\' ears. If this is typical of how you speak, every effort should be made to make the change and discover your richer, warmer resonant sound.
We all have a better voice inside which I refer to as your ‘real\' or ‘true\' voice. Powered primarily by your chest cavity, it has resonance that is not possible if you are using just your voice box and throat cavities to power and amplify your sound. Additionally, if you are nasal, then your nose is doing much more of the work, which can add to the shrillness and stridency of a voice.

Without a doubt, competition in the workforce today is fierce and having a voice that is reminiscent of a squawking chicken is not in your favor. Unfortunately, life in the business world is not always fair; and, it is more difficult for women who must compete with men for jobs, promotions, and equal pay. If your speaking voice is a liability, then you may never achieve the success you deserve.

If you speak too softly, your words are not being heard. If your voice is too loud, others will avoid having to hear your words. Speak with warmth and the right volume and your message will be heard. When your speaking voice is an asset, you will be at your best against your competition.

Solar Panel Jobs

Solar Panel Installation - A Career With A Bright Future
 by: William Hauselberg
Why Pursue a Career in Solar Panel Installation?

In today’s world, more and more people are interested in protecting the environment, and conserving less energy. Thus, many choose to install solar paneling, as this equipment allows them to use the energy the sun generates as a source of electricity for their homes and businesses. Since this field is so rapidly growing, and jobs are abundant; pursuing solar training is a great choice for someone looking for a long term career. 

Who Employs Solar Panel Installers?

There are many solar panel installation companies who are always looking for qualified solar panel installers. Such companies often look for employees with some experience in the field, as well as some type of training. Experience in electrical work is a plus as well. General experience on construction sites is also desirable. Private home and business owners may also hire professional solar panel installers directly. 

What is Involved in Solar Panel Installation Training?

There are currently many solar education programs available that teach students about solar power technology, and how to install solar power systems. Other topics often include solar application engineering and instructions on how to use solar power equipment. Some training programs offer short classes where the students can receive hands-on training from professionals on how to install solar equipment. There are even free online classes that offer training on solar panel installation. To read more about available training courses, please visit: 

How Long does Solar Training Last?

Solar education vary as to length. Most classes are only about 5 to 6 days in length. After taking such training courses, many become certified to perform Solar installation work. The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) has a certification program available, where by passing a number of tests, one can receive a certification as a PV installer. This certification will set them apart from the competition as being competent solar panel installers. Thus, customers can have more confidence in the installer who is performing such work in their homes or businesses.
How To Write A Resume Which Will Help You Get The Job You Want
by: Jeff Schuman

Have you been trying to learn how to write a resume that will allow you to get the job you want? Then it is imperative that you are aware of some important information about writing your resume that will make it much easier for you.

The first thing that you need to understand is that time needs to be taken to write a good resume. Your resume doesn't just provide employers with important information about your work history; it is allowing them to understand why you are the right person to hire for that particular job.

So, you have to give yourself plenty of time to write your resume. Rushing through writing it is a big mistake because this can lead to information left out, the wrong format and just an all around bad resume.

The next thing you have to be aware of is that the format of the resume is important. One of the ways you can be sure the format for your own resume is correct is to find resume samples that you can look at.

There are also resume templates that can be used to help ensure that the format is set up correctly. No matter how you choose to ensure the right format is used, you have to again give yourself time to do this step.

You have to remember that you only get one chance to make a good impression on an employer using your resume. So, another vital thing that you need to understand is that all of the correct information needs to get put on it.

This means your name, work history, education and anything else that applies to you getting the job. That is why it is a good idea to take time to plan your resume.

So that you have the best chance of writing a winning resume, planning will make sure that nothing is left out. Taking time and planning will allow you to know that you are going to have a good resume that will make a great impression on the employer from the beginning.

As you can see, time is vital to making sure that you write a good resume. The format and planning are also vita, but time will be needed to complete all of the steps to ensure that your resume will be noticed by the right person.

Now that you are aware of how to write a resume that will help you get the job you want, you just need to get started on it. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be able to write a winning resume which will impress employers and make your chances better for getting the job that you want.

Have you been trying to learn how to write a resume that will allow you to get the job you want? Then it is imperative that you are aware of some important information about writing your resume that will make it much easier for you.

The first thing that you need to understand is that time needs to be taken to write a good resume. Your resume doesn't just provide employers with important information about your work history; it is allowing them to understand why you are the right person to hire for that particular job.

So, you have to give yourself plenty of time to write your resume. Rushing through writing it is a big mistake because this can lead to information left out, the wrong format and just an all around bad resume.

The next thing you have to be aware of is that the format of the resume is important. One of the ways you can be sure the format for your own resume is correct is to find resume samples that you can look at.

There are also resume templates that can be used to help ensure that the format is set up correctly. No matter how you choose to ensure the right format is used, you have to again give yourself time to do this step.

You have to remember that you only get one chance to make a good impression on an employer using your resume. So, another vital thing that you need to understand is that all of the correct information needs to get put on it.

This means your name, work history, education and anything else that applies to you getting the job. That is why it is a good idea to take time to plan your resume.

So that you have the best chance of writing a winning resume, planning will make sure that nothing is left out. Taking time and planning will allow you to know that you are going to have a good resume that will make a great impression on the employer from the beginning.

As you can see, time is vital to making sure that you write a good resume. The format and planning are also vita, but time will be needed to complete all of the steps to ensure that your resume will be noticed by the right person.

Now that you are aware of how to write a resume that will help you get the job you want, you just need to get started on it. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be able to write a winning resume which will impress employers and make your chances better for getting the job that you want.

How to Choose the Right Career

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Imperfect Boss? Perfect Opportunity to Advance Your Career
by Stefanie Smith

You already know your boss is critical to your success-now what? Here's an exercise that will help you identify ways to get your boss in your corner...

Helping your leader also helps you. It's not a zero sum game. In fact, it's the opposite. The more win-win experiences you establish, the more you'll gain.

You may adore and admire your boss. Or, you may or not be compatible on a personal basis. I've heard it all, including "I hate his guts and hope he dies soon, so I can have his job." Rather than plotting his early death, act to contribute to your own advancement-there's a lower risk of jail time, and higher probability of a salary increase.

Everyone realizes the boss is in control from a financial or organizational perspective. But you can gain immediate power and confidence in the relationship from calling to mind reasons to feel gratitude and acknowledging areas of positive influence.

Whether you seek to take your partnership from strained to good, or from good to glowing, reframing it in a context of mutual advancement benefits you in three ways:

1. Adds to your sense of achievement and self-esteem. Anything you accomplish that happens to help your boss is also part of your permanent track record.

2. Establishes positive predisposition and puts you on the same side. You're worried about your boss? Guaranteed she is worried about her boss too. Or she is worried about the Board. When you are both working toward the same goals, you combine your energy rather than wasting it in a power struggle between the two of you.

3. Demonstrates to everyone around that you are an asset. For others on a project team, your boss's boss, or the guy interviewing you for the next higher powered job, if it is clear that you scored a win for your boss, you are instantly more desirable to have on board.

This will be fast and practically painless. I promise. But it does require active participation from you, because, truth is, I don't know your boss like you do.

Please take 60 minutes to write out your responses to the following five questions. These are practical, not rhetorical questions.

Print this out and take it to lunch with a pen, or copy the questions into a Word document. Either way, the real value lies in your real answers.

I. What three things do you appreciate or admire about your boss or learn from your boss?

These don't have to be huge, just honest. We all want to work for someone we respect and someone who can help us advance. So this is our starting point. Consider both professional and personal traits.

Does your boss remind you of an appealing character in a movie or a novel? Does she communicate with style or use expressive vocabulary you find effective? Can she motivate others in a way you admire? Do her edits improve your writing? Does she consistently make eye contact and let you know she's listening? Does she have an energetic approach to attacking an overwhelming task list?

Even after you've done this brainstorming, you have the right to remain silent. Or, at the right time you may choose to tell your boss -if and when if it feels authentic. But please, no gushing praise a week before your bonus review or the day after you put in a request for holiday time during a prime week. Even if you are overcome with a sudden wave of gratitude at those times, it may appear just too much of a coincidence.

II. What are your boss's personal and professional weaknesses?

Go ahead. It's absolutely fine to derive some enjoyment from writing this list. Yes, you can add more if you can't possibly stop at three.

What areas does he find truly challenging? What skills can he simply not seem to master? Does he have weaknesses that embarrass him?

But while you are writing, start to really consider that some of his challenges may not be easy for him to overcome. I feel that way about some of mine, and you may feel that way about some of yours. It would be nice to have a perfect boss. It would also be nice to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. If your boss is imperfect, you have a perfect opportunity to be valuable and be valued.

III. What three things could you do to make life better for your boss?

Maybe his weakness is your strength. Maybe you can help him through an upcoming challenge by putting in an extra hour a week. Maybe you can teach him some key phrases in Spanish before his sales trip to Mexico.

Some thoughts:

Respect his time. Everyone wishes he had more time. How can you give him more time to do what he needs or wants to do?

Respect his position. Everyone wants to feel good about his role. How can you add to his prestige? Respect his concerns. How can you solve a problem for him? How can you directly contribute to his achievement of an important goal? How can you leverage your strong points to make your boss look better or feel better? How can you further his goals or compensate for his defects?

If you resent him too much to do this, ask yourself why you continue this relationship and when you will start looking for a new boss. Not every boss is worth staying with, and that is a determination you should make as part of this reflection.

IV. What are three concrete ways your boss can enhance your job?

This is not an abstract question. Be as specific and short-term as possible. What do you want, and how can she help you? Can she approve your attendance at a class or event? Can she delegate a leadership responsibility to you that will enhance your role? Can she spend thirty minutes to coach you every other Tuesday morning? Or would she approve the budget to hire an outside executive coach for you? Would she approve hiring a temp four hours a week to offload your filing?

V. How and when will you communicate these mutual opportunities to your boss?

In upcoming conversations with your boss, try to apply some or all of these responses, and focus carefully on his reaction. You know your boss, and you know what will work best. But don't confuse "what will work best" with "what feels most comfortable." Those may be two separate answers.

Make the most of your chance to communicate respect and enthusiasm for an opportunity for mutual success. Remember: 93% of communication is nonverbal. So please consider a face-to-face discussion unless e-mail or phone is truly your first choice.

Again, this isn't an academic thought process, it is a means to an end. Your goal is your advancement, or at least your sanity. Now you have a plan; more power to you!

Where to Find Character Education Teacher Resources
by Bob Johnson

If a teacher wants to find character education teacher resources they may search the Internet for resources. There are a lot of websites that come up when you do a search on character education teacher resources. There are also a number of schools who have created an environment where a person can access character education teacher resources. These schools are actively encouraging teachers to join in the effort to teach character development of children so these children make better decisions, can tell right from wrong or exhibit positive social behaviors to name a few.

There is a list of character development traits on some of the websites that a teacher could use as a guideline in the classroom lessons. There are also lists of discussion topics and suggestions on how to conduct character education. Some topics but certainly not all of them would be to have the students have actual input into decisions that affect them. They may not be able to do this at home but in a classroom situation they may be able to make actual decisions such as how much they may choose to read versus not reading.

Or perhaps they can make a decision as what they would like to have for lunch if presented with different choices. Then when they have made their choices the teacher could start a discussion as to why they made those decisions and what the child thinks the expected outcome might be. For example, if a child chooses to have a high fat meal then the discussion could center on self discipline and controlling their impulses. Then the discussion could veer towards the implications of a high fat diet such as obesity. Then the discussion could be about responsibility to the self and what those actions will do to society as a whole. Negative and positive thoughts could be discussed and then the teacher could go toward suitable positive and responsible social behavior and the repercussions of a negative social behavior

If one does an Internet search they may be surprised just how many resources actually are available online. They may also be surprised just how many schools are actively engaging in joining in teaching character education and including it in the spare classroom time or as extra curriculum after school.

A character building session may center on more personal things for a child such as being responsible and choosing the right friends. These are friends that would also have strong character and beliefs in what is right and wrong rather than friends who have the best iPod or wear the right clothes. This too is a character building exercise for a child. If they have to discuss what is important to them in friends they may find they can make choices and don’t have to follow the crowd. In fact, almost any situation where children interact is a chance to start a character building session and carry on a discussion. This will help instill values as well as give a child choices.

Character Education and Character Development Resources for teachers. Practical, Effective and Affordable Character Education Program for Schools. For more details visit

CLEP Test Preparation


Adam George

Every student studying for that all so important CLEP exam knows everything depends on how well they know the subject matter. However, knowing how to study and the focus of your CLEP test preparation is just as important as knowing what to study. You have to know those knowledge gaps you need to fill which makes owning a CLEP test study guide so critical.

Your CLEP prep is usually the deciding factor on how well you perform on your test. You can try reading over books upon books or looking for hints online and that can work for you but it\'s an awful lot of work. Instead, get a study guide for CLEP from the College Board and you\'ll be saving yourself a whole lot of time and money.

Although the process of preparing for a CLEP may seem daunting, there are many different CLEP prep courses they can provide you with valuable insight and knowledge in a short amount of time. You can actually complete some CLEP prep programs in just a couple days, and a lot of them are readily available online. The people who run these programs stay up to date on CLEP exams and the material involved, so they are often your best source for current testing information.

Students may wish to retake a CLEP examination of the same title for several different reasons. Some students may not earn a high enough score to obtain credits. Other students may have felt like they performed poorly on the exam and therefore, chose to void the test and not receive a CLEP score. Still other students may attend a college or university that grants a higher number of credits for a certain high CLEP score and therefore wish to retest in order to try for a higher score. Any student who wishes to retake a CLEP of the same title should first be aware of the policies set by the College Board, the company overseeing CLEP, before reattempting an exam.

There are no trick questions on CLEP tests and they are not difficult. For example, if you are well read in a particular area such as U.S. History, then the history exam should be relatively easy for you. If you take advantage of the practice tests available plus the study guides, you can easily determine how ready you are for that exam. The CLEP study guides are designed to present the material so that a student can pass a multiple choice exam. Remember regardless of how you decide to finish your degree you need a plan and a system. It is not as hard as it sounds, take advantage of the study materials and develop an exam strategy.

You can get more than 3 credits for a CLEP test. Most CLEP tests award 3 credits, but there are some that award 6 and even up to 12 college credits. 6 semester hours may be awarded for such tests as American Literature, Social Sciences and History, Biology, and Humanities. 12 semester hour tests include French, German, and Spanish Level II tests which are the equivalent of the first four semesters (or 12 semester hours) of college-level foreign language course work.

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Read about career options, and also read about pcat practice test and clep test preparation

Training Courses

Training and Course Options for Careers in Chiropractics


David Woods

When looking to pursue a higher education there are a number of accredited chiropractic schools and colleges that offer the proper training. You can enroll in the educational program that provides the training you need to enter into a successful career. Opportunities exist to help you obtain the skills that will be needed to seek employment as a professional in this field. When looking to obtain a higher education in this field it is important that you ensure the school, college, or degree program you choose carries full accreditation in order to obtain the best possible education.
When looking to obtain an education in chiropractics there are a number of steps you should follow in order to prepare. The first thing that you will need to decide on is the career path that fits your individual needs. In order to pursue a doctorates degree in this field, which is what is required to practice, you will need to obtain an undergraduate degree prior to enrollment. Studies can be completed in order to provide the skills that are necessary for success. You can become a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) by completing an accredited eight years of training and study, which will prepare you for employment in a number of places.
There are many possibilities when it comes to working as a professional chiropractor. You can train in this field or become another natural healing professional that utilizes this form of therapy. Opportunities for employment can be found in a variety of areas once an accredited higher education is obtained. You can look forward to working in:
  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Private Practices
  • Spas
…and many other related business. In order to pursue employment in these places you will first need to have obtained an accredited education. By receiving training you will know how to work with various individuals to help adjust their spine and deal with other skeletal related therapies to reduce pain and stress. You can learn these skills by completing the coursework provided by the educational program of enrollment.
Coursework will consist of various topics that relate to the field of chiropractics. Enrollment in a program will give you the opportunity to learn natural healing, pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, physiotherapy, neurology, nutrition, philosophy, social sciences, and more. Pursuing a doctoral degree in this field can also give you the chance to learn massage therapy, business management, chiropractic technique, humanities, and other related topics. By studying subjects like these you will be ready to start the path to an exciting new career.
Accredited chiropractic colleges and colleges can offer you the best quality educational training. This is due to the fact that they carry full accreditation that is awarded by agencies like the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). You can gain the skills that you will need to enter the workforce prepared for the career you dream of. By researching available programs and requesting additional information you can learn more about the options for enrollment and begin training for an exciting future and career today.
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About the Author
David H. Woods is a staff writer for Locate and request information from Chiropractic Schools, as well as other Colleges and Universities offering Chiropractic Training at, your positive pathway to discovery!

Financial Aid Possibilities for Students

Financial Aid Possibilities for Students



When it comes to financial aid for further learning there are essentially two sources: individually funded monetary aid and state funded financial backing. When aspiring for or receiving either you need to make sure that you are perfectly acquainted of all the fine print implicated. Most people discover that the expenditure of university are much too expensive to afford without compensation of some sort. If you are a parent, the chances are that you will some day come across the requirement to pay university tuition along with the worry of how on earth you will manage to realize that ambition.

The complication is that not every student who aims to to attend university qualifies for either state funded scholar support or the vast majority of grants that require either high grades or a specific and high talent in order to receive. For those students thinking outside the box may be necessary in order to receive the much needed scholastic aid or monetary support.

If you do not qualify for state financial assistance for your children, then you may want to consider the benefit of other financial aid options. One common award option that is often overlooked is the ROTC program that most universities offer. There is a price to pay for these grants but many find that price provides valuable experience and is well worth the education and the experience received during the process. If your child is interested in the possibility of a military career or becoming a military officer, this is a great way to go.

As a parent you may want to see what sort of, if any, adjustable spending accounts your state has set up that can help you set aside money for university expenditure for your children. Many states have these and there are regimes such as U-promise that allows you and others to dedicate the spending from a credit card to be used as a \'match\' program for your child\'s university funds. While it isn\'t a dollar for dollar match of your credit card spending every little bit helps. The real beauty of regimes like Upromise is that you can enlist the help of family in friends when saving for your child\'s university scholastic costs. Regardless, it is never too early to begin saving for your child\'s college education and these costs seem to be rising exponentially.

There are many programs that exist to help minorities and women pay for their educational expenditure. Some of these grants are needs based while some of them are solely merit based. On all levels competition is fierce, however, if you qualify for any of these awards you would be doing yourself an unkindness not to appeal for them. You never know when your application might be the one that captures the attention of the award committee. The one thing you should keep in mind is to read all the directions, make duplicates of everything, and adhere to the orders. You\'d be thunderstruck at how many worth applicants are denied grants each year because they did not abide by the orders on the application properly. Another thing you should keep in mind is neatness. You are much more likely to win a bursary if the committee can actually read your application.

There are many great promotions for financial support when it comes to university. The secret is typically in locating the great sources. Your university\'s monetary aid office is an excellent point of supply of information for monetary assistance as is yourteacher. See what your possibilities are before you surrender the dream of a college education.

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Home Tuition Malaysia

CET Exam and Score - Whats New

Some Imperative Insights into The CET Exam and colleges accepting CET score



In these times of avant-garde contrivances and advanced technologies, higher education has gained interminable connotation and in such milieus, students are increasingly inclining towards management courses to fulfill their career aspirations. To get into a top notch and distinguished B school, you have to pass the entrance exams with flying colors. Amid the various management entrance exams, one f the most sought after and legendary test is the CET exam or the Common Entrance Test.

CET exam is essentially an aggressive entrance examination which assists scholars to get admission into their preferred university or college and that too in the specialization of their choice. The fact that Maharastra has its own autonomous CET exam makes many an intellectual think that it is limited to that specific state only. You should aptly comprehend that Maharastra CET exam is conducted by Maharashtra State Government for admission to First Year of two year Full Time Post Graduate Degree Courses in MBA/MMS and PGDBM/PGDM courses in the Institutes of the Maharashtra State.

Other states such as Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat have also their versions of the CET exam. You will be astonished at the sheer number of colleges accepting CET score. You will also be astounded to get hold of the fact that Karnataka CET is not only for management courses, but also for engineering and medical courses. However before you plunge into any decision making procedure, do have a good look at the eligibility criteria of the CET exam.

A Bachelor\'s degree of minimum three years duration in any is a must for appearing in CET exam and that too with a minimum of 50marks in aggregate, which is lowered to 45for candidates of backward class categories. Students who are in their final year of studies can also apply. This CET exam is not a section based test and thus you have to indulge in meticulous planning and apt time management techniques to excel in the said exam.  The competition in the CET exam is cut throat and aggressive, which is why it is advisable to chip in for institutes specializing in CET coaching.

Some of the most renowned CET coaching establishments are: - Career Forum, Career Launcher, Chitale\'s Personalised Learning Centre (CPLC), Engineers Study Circle (ESC), IMS Institute, Peak Seekers, PT Education, Swathi Educational Academy, T.I.M.E. (Triumphant Institute Of Management Education Pvt. Ltd), and a lot more. Laying your hands on fitting counseling and guidance will surely make sure that this tough exam becomes easy to crack.

The World Wide Web is the best place to search for these pertaining CET coaching institutes. Now let us sneak a quick look through some of the reputed colleges accepting CET score: - Acharya Institute of Sciences, MET Institute of Management, Welingkars Institute of Management (We School), K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research (SIMSR), SIES College of Management Studies (SIESCOMS), Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education(SIMSREE), Sinhgad Institute of Management and a lot more.
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About the Author
TopMBAIndia, a management education portal covering Top MBA colleges in India. The chief aspiration of TOPMBAIndia is to proffer Indian students community with pertinent and precise information. Explore CET Exam 2011, CET Coaching, Colleges Accepting CET Score and much more.

Thursday, January 13, 2011




Julia Robert

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) by ETS is one of the most common tests English in today\'s world. The objective of the TOEIC is to measure the ability to speak, read and understand English Basic Business. For this reason, the TOEIC has become the practical test for corporations, government agencies and numerous educational institutions to test the capabilities of English language learners.

The TOEIC is an intermediate to advanced level exam. It is a structure similar to the TOEFL exam is also administered by ETS. TOEFL focuses on English used in an academic environment. TOEIC, on the other hand, focuses on English as used in the global workplace.

There are four parts to the TOEIC:

* The TOEIC Listening
* The reading test TOEIC
* The TOEIC Speaking
* The TOEIC writing test

These four sections of the TOEIC test are given in two sections: The TOEIC Listening and Reading test and the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test. Each section is tested at different times and last approximately 90 minutes to two hours. It is possible to take the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test, or the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test.
TOEIC Listening and Reading

There are two different versions of the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test. The old version of TOEIC Test is available in most institutions in North America. The latest version, created in 2006, is available in Japan and Korea and open to the public official or TOEIC test sites. ETS states that the two versions of the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test are also difficult. Both versions are paper and pencil tests and there is no electronic version available.

TOEIC Speaking and Writing

In 2006, ETS began offering the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test. This test is sent over the Internet and in various international test sites.

Further information about TOEIC Test and for English Language preparation visit:

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About the Author

This is julia Robert from California.I am GMAT and IELTS trainer.Further information about TOEIC Test and for English Language preparation visit:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. But the University's museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's academics and students.
The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges. Its reputation is endorsed by the Quality Assurance Agency and by other external reviewers of learning and teaching, such as External Examiners.
These high standards are the result of both the learning opportunities offered at Cambridge and by its extensive resources, including libraries, museums and other collections. Teaching consists not only of lectures, seminars and practical classes led by people who are world experts in their field, but also more personalised teaching arranged through the Colleges. Many opportunities exist for students to interact with scholars of all levels, both formally and informally.

There are 31 Colleges in Cambridge. Three are for women (New Hall, Newnham and Lucy Cavendish) and two admit only graduates (Clare Hall and Darwin). The remainder house and teach all students enrolled in courses of study or research at the University

Each College is an independent institution with its own property and income. The Colleges appoint their own staff and are responsible for selecting students, in accordance with University regulations. The teaching of students is shared between the Colleges and University departments. Degrees are awarded by the University.
Within each College, staff and students of all disciplines are brought together. This cross-fertilisation has encouraged the free exchange of ideas which has led to the creation of a number of new companies. Trinity and St John's have also established science parks, providing facilities for start-ups, and making a significant contribution to the identification of Cambridge as a centre of innovation and technology.
In addition to the collections on display in the University's libraries & museums, there is a wealth of sporting and cultural activity at the University of Cambridge, much of it organised by individual clubs and societies run by staff and students. Although the University does not offer courses in the creative arts or sport, there is a strong tradition of achievement in these fields, with many former students going on to gain international standing as artists, performers and athletes. Initiatives ensure that aspiring performers enrich their education with a high level of activity outside the lecture.