Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CLEP Test Preparation


Adam George

Every student studying for that all so important CLEP exam knows everything depends on how well they know the subject matter. However, knowing how to study and the focus of your CLEP test preparation is just as important as knowing what to study. You have to know those knowledge gaps you need to fill which makes owning a CLEP test study guide so critical.

Your CLEP prep is usually the deciding factor on how well you perform on your test. You can try reading over books upon books or looking for hints online and that can work for you but it\'s an awful lot of work. Instead, get a study guide for CLEP from the College Board and you\'ll be saving yourself a whole lot of time and money.

Although the process of preparing for a CLEP may seem daunting, there are many different CLEP prep courses they can provide you with valuable insight and knowledge in a short amount of time. You can actually complete some CLEP prep programs in just a couple days, and a lot of them are readily available online. The people who run these programs stay up to date on CLEP exams and the material involved, so they are often your best source for current testing information.

Students may wish to retake a CLEP examination of the same title for several different reasons. Some students may not earn a high enough score to obtain credits. Other students may have felt like they performed poorly on the exam and therefore, chose to void the test and not receive a CLEP score. Still other students may attend a college or university that grants a higher number of credits for a certain high CLEP score and therefore wish to retest in order to try for a higher score. Any student who wishes to retake a CLEP of the same title should first be aware of the policies set by the College Board, the company overseeing CLEP, before reattempting an exam.

There are no trick questions on CLEP tests and they are not difficult. For example, if you are well read in a particular area such as U.S. History, then the history exam should be relatively easy for you. If you take advantage of the practice tests available plus the study guides, you can easily determine how ready you are for that exam. The CLEP study guides are designed to present the material so that a student can pass a multiple choice exam. Remember regardless of how you decide to finish your degree you need a plan and a system. It is not as hard as it sounds, take advantage of the study materials and develop an exam strategy.

You can get more than 3 credits for a CLEP test. Most CLEP tests award 3 credits, but there are some that award 6 and even up to 12 college credits. 6 semester hours may be awarded for such tests as American Literature, Social Sciences and History, Biology, and Humanities. 12 semester hour tests include French, German, and Spanish Level II tests which are the equivalent of the first four semesters (or 12 semester hours) of college-level foreign language course work.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/career-management-articles/clep-test-preparation-4059787.html
About the Author
Read about career options, and also read about pcat practice test and clep test preparation

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